Dear all - we are now into our second block of 4 weeks - can you believe it!!! Some of you have been with. me right from the start and we are heading towards the end of our 8th week online!! so if you haven't yet subscribed please go to online payments on my website or drop me an email and for all up to date info, please visit Latest News where I will post all updates and info.
Sincere apologies for log in problems today. I have absolutely no idea what is going on and will be looking into it today and hopefully have everything sorted for tomorrow. If you had not realised that we have moved into a new block (with a new password) then that might be the problem for some but I do know several of you were trying the new password so I have no idea. Sorry for your inconvenience and I am "on it". I may enable a waiting room so if you log in and are sitting there "waiting for host" don't worry - I will let you in (provided you are subscribed!!).
Please do upgrade Zoom as per info - go into your account and follow instructions and if you are not sure, please get in touch.
For those of you who are subscribing to my classes, you also have access to videos that I upload weekly and change regularly. I have had several requests to purchase these videos so I am now working on a small library for you to choose from and will also take requests. Videos will be £8 and will be available via You Tube in the next few days so if there was a particular class you liked, you can purchase and keep.
Next week's class info will be going up under Latest News on my website so that you can be best prepared. For small weights you can use 2 x tins of soup, for a flexi band you can use a pair of tights (thick/woolly!!), for a soft ball you can use a football or cushion (but really, buying a ball for around £5 would be best) but I will also help you to use household equipment... next week I will be repeating the toilet roll class!! I will also have "Just you and your mat" classes too.
Thank you too!!
As you know, I ran the first 3 weeks (21 consecutive days) for free and am now offering classes for £20 for 4 weeks which gives you 9 live classes and access to 6/8 videos weekly.
I still have the same knowledge, skill and nearly 20 years' worth of experience and indeed, have been upskilling and adding to my qualifications during lockdown and have done 2 full day workshops (Pilates and exercise for neurological disorders, Classic exercises and modification) as well as 9 webinar training sessions and scores of master classes with some international presenters (a wonderful opportunity that only came about purely because of lockdown) so I continue to be the best that I can be. I am a level 4 teacher and also a Pilates teacher trainer (still having to do mind numbingly dull standardisation meetings to keep that side of my skills current!) and unlike some of the large online services, I am right here on the end of the phone, responding to emails and available for requests and support so currently I am offering you access to all this knowledge and personal interaction for around 50p per class not including the classes available to you on catch up!!
I cannot promise to keep the subscription at this price forever but while it is, do take advantage, support me to support you and let me know what you would like to see in your classes.
Having said all that, as someone living alone in lockdown (with Bertie) it has been truly uplifting and joyful to see so many of you in my classes and to chat every weekday with you all. I have been really touched by so many wonderful messages, deliveries and thank you's and I really appreciate you taking the time to contact me and thank me but I also would like to thank YOU for supporting me and for being in my lounge chatting to me every weekday and making me smile, keeping me company and supporting me. I honestly don't know what I would have done without you all. I am delighted to see so many new faces and to be zooming into a variety of counties and countries which just shows what we can do when we put our minds to it.
See you on screen soon!
Juliet x