All that time ago when I was in my lounge, with all the furniture pushed to one side and darling, faithful Bertie by my side, barking everytime someone joined the meeting with the now familiar "bing bong" noise and running to the front door with some confusion everytime I greeted a new attendee on screen with a cheery "Good morning!".
As I referenced last week, one thing to definitely come out of our online accessibility is how much more regularly we all practise.
Several of you were discussing this when we recently met for a walk, and so many of us now have a corner of a room with weights, bands, balls etc. that enable a regular exercise session. In my case, a spare bedroom that is now a home gym along with screens, studio lights ,cables and the ability to run my business with my commute being a mere wander down the landing.
I was reading an article in a fitness magazine recently about the latest "craze" on tik tok called the 3 2 8 Pilates method. I personally don't read this sort of thing much as the articles are usually padded out with lots of useless blurb and waffle and what good is a "craze" anyway, but this one caught my eye.
What is this? Basically a workout plan along the following premise:
1. 3 strength training workouts a week
2. 2 Pilates workouts a week (or Barre)
3. 8,000 steps a day.
Alternatively, you could do
1. 2 Strength workouts a week
2. 2 Pilates or Barre workouts per week
3. 8,000 steps a day.
Well, if that is a craze, welcome to the party!!
Finding time (and motivation) to exercise regularly can be a challenge but we tick that box over and over! I can't comment on the steps but I do know that so many of my online members access live and library classes mutliple times a week, blending weights work with pure Pilates with Pilates fusion.... so we are totally winning at the craze...
According to the NHS, adults should do strengthening activities that work all the major muscle groups at least twice weekly (tick) and a total of at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity actitvity a week (tick ).
"The "3 2 8" method is a well rounded fitness routine that covers all the big muscle groups and including Pilates (and /or barre) will help you acheive the small/deeper muscle connection".
Oh, and apparantly "studies" have shown that consistency is more important than the duration of our workouts... well, we were talking about that MONTHS ago... so I guess whoop, whoop. we are ahead of the craze and I had better set up a tik tok account....
Good to know though - please reach with your wonderfully mobile shoulder and give yourselves a pat on the back!
Teatime Talks
What a fantastic talk we were all treated to on Tuesday. A massive thank you to Sam (who you will see online in our classes when she can make them). I was delighted but not suprised to see a huge turnout and we all learned so much. It was really fascinating and I am honoured that someone of Sam's calibre gave her time and knowledge to educate and inform. Thank you Sam.
I had a meeting yesterday afternoon with Yvonne who is doing our April talk and again, what a treat I have in store for you! More details from her will be going up on my web page soon.