Weekly wrap up. Week 23. 2024
This is really the buzz word and more and more research is proving how absolutely essential protein is in our diet. I remember the days of carb loading before marathons. There used to be pre race pasta parties can you, believe whereas more recently the focus is far more on getting plenty of protein onboard.
Talking to a friend at the weekend, she told me that when her husband went to the osteopath with an arthriticky knee, the first thing he was asked was how many kilos he weighed and he was then informed that he should be having a gram of protein a day for every kilo of weight. So if you are a 65 kilo individual then you need to be consuming 65grams of protein a day. While he has seen a huge improvement in his knee, Dr Michael Mosley has just written pretty much the very same thing this last week, stating that while the standard guidelines are 45grams for the average woman, actually 65 grams is much more realistic.
Style and makeup guru Trinny was talking to her personal trainer about her batwing under arm issue last week and established that all the weight lifting in the world would not resolve this without the back up of plenty of protein and that we are not eating enough.
So why do we need protein and what is this all about?
Protein is essential for muscle growth and repair, as well as speeding up recovery from injury. It is essential for bone health and strength. Protein is filling so makes us feel fuller for longer and reduces the desire to snack and overeat so indirectly helps with weight management. It improves brain function, strengthens the immune system and helps keep skin healthy. Protein helps repair body tissues and helps make hormones.
I could add loads of scientific research and explanation here but statistics show that you have already allowed your mind to wander so I will stick with the bullet point facts and leave you to research should you wish.
So how do we find it and do we need to weigh everything now?
Fortunately we all have access to the internet and a quick google will generally give you guidelines on protein content. For example 2 large boiled eggs have around 12 grams of protein so if you start your day with eggs and soldiers or an omlette, you are already off to a fine start. A large cup (8 oz) of plain, low fat yoghurt is around 12 grams of protein so throw in some seeds and nuts (and a handful of berries and a drizzle of honey) and you have a really protein rich desert.
As a vegetarian, I have had to look a little deeper but fortunately I am a fan of beans and pulses. Lentils, quinoa and beans such as chickpea and pinto are really good sources of protein but of course fish and meat are excellent options. Don’t overlook your greens as choices such as spinach are a good source too with some greens being high in amino acids which are the building blocks of protein (learnt this at the Juicy retreats when we lived on plants and vegetables!)
Take a little time to think of what you enjoy, what you can incorporate regularly and what portion sizes you need. Remember that the more active you are, the more protein you will need for muscle repair and bone growth. I have recently introduced protein powders to weight training / long cycling days to make sure I have it covered but you will find your own way for what suits you best.
Whatever your way, remember when you have finished your class or workout to reach for a large glass of water and a source of protein within 45 mins for maximum benefit.
Members Zone.
What we have been up to.
Well, I finished my first official road bike event. A huge thank you to online member and fellow Pilates teacher Fiona who, as soon as she heard I was Sussex bound, immediately offered me bed and breakfast. I had just THE loveliest evening with Fiona and her husband Jan and am lucky to have been offered a return visit complete with bike to join Jan and his cycling club so yes please!
I was very grateful to have had the most incredible hospitality and great company and that really set me up for my day!
A quick selfie with Davina McCall and off I set just after 8am on my 47 miles. There was a shorter ride and two longer ones but I had decided not to be toooo ambitious on my first event. Just as well as, with my usual brilliance, I managed to miss some markers and all too soon found myself riding back downhill to the start. While the organisers kindly whooped and clapped, I was frantically turning round and setting off back up the hill, not nearly as exciting second time around, while they were shouting after me, but I explained I still had 20 miles to do… unfortunately as all riders had left, they had taken down the original arrows so I just trundled around to get the miles in, in order to achieve what I had set out to do and to fully earn my (cheapest, nastiest I have ever seen) medal at the end, but do it I jolly well did, albeit on my own, missing the refuelling stations, running out of water… and noting to self that a) teaching a legs strength class 2 days before was fully moronic and b) I should have paid more attention.
However, Sussex is just beautiful (if rather hilly) and the sun was out. I did smile to myself cycling into one village and seeing a “30”speed sign. I remember many moons ago, watching The Magic Roundabout with my mother and her roaring with laughter at a line from Brian the snail as he slid his way down a road and saw a “30”sign and said “30 miles an hour? THIRTY MILES AN HOUR? I can’t go that fast” and I had to agree at that point!
Several of you are away in motor homes and camper vans and other holiday sources and I have really enjoyed the pictures of you working from the library as well as jumping in to live classes when you can find wifi. I really, really appreciate that and full marks to you for being committed to your practise to keep you strong. Easier to maintain than to start again!
It's been a busy week with weights, lower body workout, power Pilates and lots of recording.
What’s new in the library.
Clare has recorded her lower body class which is now in “Clare’s classes” and I have uploaded this Tuesday and Friday's strength classes (located, funnily enough in the section called Strength) and also Tuesday’s pure mat and Thursday’s power Pilates with small weights and mini loops (both in Mixed ability). SO much new content coming!
Please note the library is moving around a little and the order of display is changing. Any questions, please let me know.
You will see a new section called “Guest teachers” where you can try a class from peers of mine who have taught classes for me. You will also see a new area “The Monthly challenge” - more of that below.
What’s coming up
You will have seen the post about our upcoming Pelvic health and menopause talk on June 18th and if not, please go to Latest News on my website. I really hope you are able to make it as I know it will be of interest to all ages.
You ask, I listen
I have had a suggestion that we have a monthly challenge and I think that is a really good idea and I am going to add this to our library. One thing to do every day for the month and although we are already a few days into June, I am starting with The Hundred. challenge. Please go to the library and find the recording to get more info! 5 mins a day, every day. Who’s in?
Please forward challenge suggestions to see us through Summer and into Autumn and there will always be levels for everyone.
Please note -
If we are recording and you join late, please don't be offended if we don't acknowledge you. Nothing personal but obviously it isn't ideal for the recorded classes. No problem if you are running late and hop in after we have started but just to point out!
A quote -
“It’s very possible to gain several pounds of weight overnight. It is almost impossible to gain several pounds of body fat overnight.
Remember that, when you step on the scales and see the number has gone up because….
All body fat has weight but not all weight is body fat’
“Only lost a pound?” Have a look at the picture below to see just what that means!!
- dont put off starting a new fitness journey until when “you have more time” as that means that as soon as you become busy, you will drop it again. Start that new habit right NOW while you are busy so that you learn how to fit it into your busy life and that way, you are far less likely to drop it again!
Have a great weekend! xx we have been up to.