Weekly wrap up. Week 24. 2024
If you are not changing it, you are CHOOSING it.
No excuses.
Well my week got off to a flying start. I had arranged to hire a bike very similar to the model I was buying in order to try it out and early on Sunday, I set off from where I am currently staying to cycle over to Lyndhurst to deliver that bike back and take delivery of my fabulous new, shiny model. Only I had forgotten that the Bucklers Hard Triathlon was taking place.
Clearly being out at an early hour suggested that I was in the elite competitors zone and never before have I had quite so many whoops and fist pumps… there was I, happily trundling along, enjoying the vista and listening to Sounds of the 70’s with Tony Blackburn, minding my own business when around every corner were cheers and shouts of encouragement - Have to admit that I did cycle a little bit faster after that but did feel I needed to point out that I was just a hobby cylist …. FOR NOW…..
So for my part, I have set a few little goals to keep me on track. A lot of people seem to assume that I just leap out of bed and throw myself into exercise and for the large part, I do but I am only human and I too have chunks of time when I can do a little too much sofa surfing and that slope is very slippery.
I know all too well that if you make an excuse for today’s workout, it makes it far easier to excuse tomorrow and then it is a week and before you know it, that discipline has fallen by the wayside, and you are back to square 1.
For my part, I had to pull myself up by the bootstraps and throw myself back into my own training - when I am teaching classes, it is all about you and your needs and I had to get back to giving my own fitness a kick up the backside… I am an addict so of course this has gone from zero to full immersion and as I warned some time ago, the fitter I get, the harder my classes get which has been noted but hey! WHAT is not to love!!! We are all on this journey together, are we not! I have to motivate and push myself as well as hopefully motivating you too!
There is no doubt that it is easier to maintain than to start again but we all know that it is very easy to let those bad habits creep back in so as the holidays approach and already I am seeing a gentle drop off, may I just very gently suggest a few tips to help prevent a total halt to all that good work.
We all KNOW that a balanced diet combined with exercise of some sort helps us maintain a healthy weight, gives us more energy, reduces the risk of type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, joint issues, depression, osteoarthritic conditions, it helps us sleep better - do I go on? So WHY do we find it so hard to stick to?
A lot of the time, it is a change to routine that tips us upside down so in that case, change the way you factor in your exercise to accommodate.
Usually do 6 classes/workouts a week? Settle for 3.
Don’t have time for a full hour class? Do 30 mins.
Kids are home and can’t get to your usual class? Work out from home and include the kids. Make up a simple circuits class in the garden.
Don’t over think it. Can you get up 30 mins earlier and just do it? Get it done before you start the day. Put your clothes out the night before, get up and get cracking before your negative voice has a chance to think about it. 30 mins later it’s done. Get on with your day with a win already in your pocket.
Try 3 days a week to skip the booze, drink more water, avoid processed food and eat more greens.
Get outside and walk in the fresh air. Take time to stop and and be present. If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, step away from all the “essential” tasks and go for a walk. Take a break.
If you are not changing it - you are choosing it
Remember - Health and Fitness can be MOST OF THE TIME. It does not need to be ALL THE TIME. Take the pressure off!
So many people tell me that they want to train more often but they are too busy…. You know the best time to start a new training program? When you are busy! Why? Because if you can fit a new program into an already busy life, you will stick at it. If you wait until you are less busy, a) that will never happen and b) as soon as you get busy again, you will drop it - so find the time.
If you want to talk excuses, come to me. I am an expert on justifying to myself why I can get away with skipping that weights session or extra Pilates training but those are the BEST workouts - the ones where you really don’t feel like it but do it anyway. That sense of achievement is the BEST. A massive boost to the self esteem and a nod to self discipline.
Perhaps the greatest gift you can give yourself tomorrow is some investment in your health today.
What we DO has a FAR bigger impact on how we feel than how we FEEL affects what we do. In the words of a large sporting brand, “Just do it!”.
What we have been up to
Firstly, a huge thank you to Emma Hammerton for our online talk on Tuesday evening. I think we all learned a lot and most importantly that help is out there! There are so many ways to help ourselves and also to know what options we have with professional help. It was super to see such a good turnout and we were really lucky to benefit from Emma's experience and knowledge.
Another busy week. This week 4 new classes have gone up into the library - strength, power Pilates and mixed ability. Im shattered today, dont know about you!
I have enjoyed being outside and having a lot of support on the mat from my canine friends. Sorry for all the times one of the dogs was sat in front of the screen!! Also, when we were doing the Roll up and I said “Feel free on the way down to stroke your Jack Russell” please note that I was referring to the little bundle of Gretl sat by my side - it was not meant as a euphemism!!
I had a busy day on Wednesday with the wonderful “Becky takes photos” as we are working on a facelift for my website. I had warned her how much I hate photos but Becky was brilliant and we had a lot of fun… not least including some photos in my newly fitted out camper van! Watch this space for a new look website soon.
What’s coming up.
As I type this, our very own Wednesday teacher Clare and loyal Pilates devotee Lou are settling into their camper vans tucked up in the Snowdonia area as tomorrow they are running up it… in a marathon… Please join me in wishing them both a lot of fun, and a reminder to use lots of sunscreen and drink gallons of water!
Looking at the forecast, I think we can finally get cracking and I will be teaching on Tanners Lane beach on Tues and Thurs 8am and 9am. Please message me for details. Online classes will run as normal as I teach online from the beach. (Please note, these classes are included for members so if you are local, please come along)
Community support
If you are a hay fever sufferer, then our fellow member Caroline has kindly shared a post from Liz Earle who is talking about the wonders of Quercertin c. Apparently this is a total game changer.
If you enjoy the play Hay Fever however, then there is an open air production at Furzey lodge in August!
“Don’t speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke.
Your body does not know the difference.
Word are energy and they cast spells, that is why it is called spelling.
Change the way you speak about yourself and you can change your life.”
Bruce Lee
Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Forecast looks superb x