We have masses of knowledge around us. Possibly too much. If I keep it to my industry, then we all KNOW that exercise is good for us. We all KNOW that we need to eat well, get lots of water and sleep, cut back on processed foods. This we KNOW. There are magazines, radio programs, books, podcasts, tv documentaries - social media is saturated with this. We have no need for more knowledge. You do not need to work in the health and fitness industry to know this because it is being shouted from every rooftop.
Now, wisdom is a whole different ball game. Wisdom is to fully absorb and live the knowledge. Wisdom is the embodiment of knowledge.
What on earth am I going on about? Well, let me make it personal to me.
I know that I need to exercise regularly and eat well. If I don't (and there have been plenty of times) then the anxiety, low mood and all that boring stuff is knocking at the door, all too ready to barge right back into my life. If I let my routine go too askew, I lose my coordinates and very quickly go off course. I know this because I have experienced it. For me, exercise is essential to keep me feeling calm and sound of mind, strong of body and to give me purpose and direction. I have the wisdom to make this part of my lifestyle because for me it is essential for my well being as I have experienced the disastrous of the alternative.
"No-one ever regretted a work out"
I know that if I am feeling low, down in the dumps, sluggish - I need to pick up my weights or get on my bike or my mat and EVERY SINGLE TIME without fail, I feel better even after a quick 20 mins. We all do. FACT. We know this!!
So for me, it is lifestyle. I talked last week about the importance of "just turning up" - so if I have planned a workout at 5pm and at 4.45pm I am making excuses in my head or I feel tired, I now have the commitment to still go to my mat and do something even if it isn't what I originally planned because I need to turn up and honour that commitment. I have the wisdom to know that if I skip a session I promised myself, things will quickly slide.
As you know, I used to be fitness manager for Jason Vale on his Juicy retreats. A week of green juice, masses of exercise and positive support. Guests lose LOADS of weight and feel amazing. - better than ever done. Taking away all the junk food gave guests the most incredible boost and lots of people made life changing decisions as a result of feeling so energised and strong.
The most common question I am always asked about this is "when I stop juicing, won't I put all the weight back on?" and the answer is YES, you definitely, 100% will
IF you go right back to your old habits and lifestyle. However why would you? You now have the wisdom - you have experienced how a clean diet and regular exercise makes you feel fantastic so why on earth would you not continue (obviously I don't mean you have to live on green juice and live up a mountain in the sunshine but you know what I mean - it is about balance).
When we did our 7am challenge a few weeks ago, so many of you messaged me to say how productive you felt - you were setting your alarms an hour early, getting in a 30 min workout but also getting other tasks ticked off before it was even properly light and that you felt energised throughout the day. You embodied the knowledge of why an early morning exercise session is so beneficial - why a quick 30 mins before the rest of the house wakes up can really work.... from here, it is about making it realistic and sustainable. Look at how you can make it fit into your diary and stick to it - you have the wisdom to appreciate why it is an essential part of your life, now you need to make it a long term, life habit.
I made a decision earlier this year to make some life changes. I was deeply unhappy for lots of reasons and had to take some responsibility. No one else was going to do it for me. As Mel Robbins kept saying to me in my podcasts - "no-one is coming. You have to do it yourself"
I have put in 8 months of clean living. Eating really well, going to bed early, lifting weights ( a lot), cycling, walking, lots of stretching and mobility, masses of Pilates, reading and listening to podcasts and practising simple mediation : bringing in protein powder and electrolytes and daily green juices. I am still alcohol free and drinking lots of water... .
What have I discovered? That at 56 years old, this is the strongest I have ever felt physically and mentally, that I am committed to feeling this way and that, once again I love getting on my mat. What else have I learned recently? That everyone wants my success but very few want my journey! It didn't happen overnight and there is no short cut. There can't be because these are longterm lifestyle choices but I have the wisdom to know that the benefits far, far outweigh the sacrifices.. for me, at least!
That is where I salute so many of you who absolutely know this. You turn up class after class, week after week. When I had to cancel last week, so many of you messaged to tell me you were using the library. You were not going to miss your workout just because I had an emergency.
You have all taken steps to make sure you fit regular exercise into your busy lives and you stick to it and I absolutely love that about you all. There are a lot out there who have excuses and reasons why not but there are far more of you who shut up, turn up and work out and I love you!
"Everyone wants the view from the top but only a few make the climb to get there!"