I recently put up a post on "the gram" that got a lot of feedback and so I thought I would discuss it further.
People are quick to spend money on new clothes, a car, holidays... we can juggle and budget to make sure we can afford or justify the cost of our dream kitchen or get those must see theatre tickets... less so our health and wellness. How many think that the gym is an expense they can do without? that a personal trainer is a luxury they do not need, that going to see a physio or nutritionist is something that they cannot feel is worth paying for?
However, what is the point of all those luxuries without our health and a strong body to enjoy them with? No-one (as far as I am aware) was ever quoted as saying from their deathbed "if only I had redecorated the lounge"....
We all have an inbuilt bargaining chip but as the saying goes - "there's none so easy to delude as oneself".
Be honest - how often have you put off getting up to stretch or move, because you "have" to finish these emails even though you know your back/neck/hips/knees will grumble later. How often have you skipped a class or training session because you are "too busy"? - I am including myself here and isn't it bonkers!! We can happily justify to ourselves that on this occasion, time or budget does not allow... but where are our priorities? How can we be too busy to take best care of ourselves? How can we find the cost of a new sofa but not a few exercise classes?
We know that jumping up and down or walking in the fresh air or lifting weights or dancing or playing tennis or just moving for 30 mins will make us feel so much better both in the immediate aftermath as we feel more energised, positive and calmer in our minds but also longer term as we nourish our bodies and maintain that regular practise. Seriously, how can we think that we cannot afford to pay for the gym or classes, or exercise equipment but we can happily spend on other luxuries - what greater luxury than our health?
A friend in a class called it "B list "gains -A list gains give you immediate pleasure whereas perhaps in your exercise or training session, you may not enjoy it here and now but the gains further down the line are more than worth it!
I had a really wonky day this Tuesday. One of those "if it can go wrong, it will" days and by teatime I was in an absolutely foul mood. I couldn't justify walking the dogs as they had been out and dear old Bertie is getting a little stiff and can't do too much, I was staying away from weights as my shoulders have been really painful and actually I just wanted to lie on the sofa, watch some totally mindless tv and wallow in grumpiness. I looked at my bike and actually said a few very wonky, foul mood words at it before digging deep (believe me, I had to dig deep) and committing to a ride.
Tuesday was a stunning evening if you remember, and I promised myself I would only go far enough into the challenge to ride out my bad temper and not push myself. Anyway, the upshot was that, as I knew very well would be the case, by the time I got home, I was calm, reflective, positive and able to stop on the way and spend several minutes trying to capture the incredible moon. The photos are rubbish but I was able to stop and appreciate. So I promise you I really do talk from the heart and from my own personal experience. Get out, get moving and feel better.
A little levity did help me on my way. I decided I needed a destination so chose to cycle to my brother's house in Lymington just to say hi.
Please picture my appearance. I was lycra'd up - helmet, clip in shoes, padded shorts, wrap around glasses... and my 15 year old nephew wanders out of the lounge to ask "did you cycle here?.....as I teased him about his academic genius, his twin brother came down the stairs and asked "did you cycle here? - I was tempted to say no, I had just popped to Waitrose!!
I also went to the physio (The Arches, naturally) on Wednesday and got some superb treatment and some practise work to do at home to get my shoulders working better (and a few ideas to sneak into classes - I absolutely LOVE talking shop with experts in the industry).
My point being - I do walk the walk so I do talk from the heart.
Maybe we all need to consider our priorities a little more and remember that if we are 'too busy" or cannot justify the cost to do the very things that keep us strong, mobile, healthy and sound of mind then perhaps we should have another look at how we are managing our time and budget.
Remember, when it comes to taking care of yourself -
It's never too late
You're never too old
Never let anyone talk you out of it or tell you that you can't
Thank you September for this wonderful sunny, weather to top us up. It has been fantastic to be back teaching classes on the beach and seeing lots of you in person. Thank you to those of you joining online for bearing with us as I know if is not as clear for you as when I teach in my studio but there is something so wholesome about being outside and feeling the sun.
Tuesday and Thursday 8am and 9am - we will keep going until we can't. Bring layers for when it cools but if you are local'ish, do come and join us.
Want to know more? get in touch for all class details.
And finally…
Life is amazing. And then it is awful. And then it's amazing again. And in between the amazing and the awful is the ordinary and the boring and the mundane and the routine.
Breathe in the amazing - hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary.
That is just living heartbreaking, soul healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life. And it is breathtakingly beautiful. (anon)
Hang in there and have a great weekend.